Controllers and Drives

Whenever we need an object at the right time at the right place, we need motion control.

As real objects are involved motion control, its requires precision and reliability.

Motion control is the control of position, speed and acceleration.

Motion control is widely used in packaging, printing, textile, and assembly industries.

Central-i Series: Motion controllers , amplifiers and I/O modules

Central-i is an innovative, patented fieldbus topology for motion control systems. At the center of a Central-i system there is a multi axes master controller. All the algorithms are performed by the master controller including trajectory and position, velocity and current loops (all in 16KHz). The remote units receive the results of the algorithms via a proprietary digital protocol. All remote units have no computational abilities, so they are low cost. All axes are synchronized down to 8nsec due to the nature of the Central-i communication. 

Integrated group picture

Integrated Controls

AGD200 and AGD301 series are compact, high performance integrated motion control units with 2 or 3 built-in servo amplifiers and I/Os , Its equipped with Ethernet, USB, CAN bus, RS232 and RS485 communication ports to interface with any host devices. It supports a very wide range of bus-voltage from 12Vdc to 90Vdc and each axis can supply up to 9.1 Arms continuous current and 18.2 Arms peak current concurrently.

Intelligent Drives 220VAC

AGD155 is an AC powered single-axis intelligent drive. While it is a fully featured single-axis standalone controller, it also comes with analog input to receive +/-10V current or velocity command, and Pulse & Direction input as position command. It can drive various types of motors like voice coil, brushed or brushless motor, including direct-drive linear and rotary motors. AGD155 can also synchronize with other axes in an Ethernet, CAN or RS485 network. The internal standalone program supports up to 8 multi-threading tasks, each can be configured with different priority. With an external PC or PLC as a system level controller, AGD155 can be used in a synchronized, multi-axis environment. 

Controls group picture

Motion Controllers

AGC series is a family of high performance, standalone 3-axis controllers with Ethernet, USB, CAN bus, RS232 and RS485 communication ports to interface with any kind of host devices. It can control any external drivers, either in analog +/-10V format or digital Pulse & Direction format. Supporting 3-axis coordinated motion, this controller is very suitable to control XYZ stages, XY-Theta stages, flexible-link gantry, SCARA robot, tip-tilt stages, etc. 

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